Sunday, April 8, 2012

Something new, Something random, Something different

Are you a spontaneous person, or a planner?

A planner is someone who likes to know what is going to happen, simply because the want to be prepared and in control of the situation. A planner will always plan ahead, and love having schedules.

Spontaneity on the other hand is saying yes to an invitation without having to worry about anything, going with the flow without knowing where you'll end up. Spontaneity and randomness can be similar, trying new random stuff just for the sake of seeing if you like it or not, having good random conversations, ordering different food for the sake of trying everything on the menu are such examples. 

I'm both a planner and a spontaneous person but lately, I've been more of the former one. I've been planning my days that my life has been so predictably predictable lately that sometimes it feels as though I'm stuck in a rut. Yes, plans and routines are not all that bad, routine gives you stability and let's you know what to expect. But, being spontaneous and doing something different, something you don't normally do can be good once in awhile. It lets you explore what you like/dislike and lets you step out of your comfort zone.

It's easter break by the way, which means one week off from uni! :) So, for the reasons mentioned above, I'm not planning what I'm going to do this week. I'm just gonna go with the flow, and do whatever I feel like doing, whenever I feel like it. After such a hectic 6 weeks of uni, waking up to a plan-less day can actually be a nice change. 

Happy holidays!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Just Because

Because I'm new with the whole blogging thing, I'll be randomly posting pictures of places I've travelled to the past few years. Enjoy! :)

Travel #2 : NYC , the big apple

New York City (2010)

I was in NYC over Christmas and New year. We were so busy exploring what the Big Apple had to offer that the ridiculously cold weather ( it was as low as -9C) didn't really bother us that much. One of the thing I love most about NYC was the fact that as long as you know how to count, you can never get lost in the city. It is so well planned out, the street names are just numbers ( 54th street, 55th street etc).

The other thing I noticed about the city was how busy everyone are. You can see how packed people are, waiting to cross the street and in the subway or rushing to go somewhere. People in general walk and talk faster. However, the best part is that you can always take a stroll down the Central Park to get away from the busy-ness and hectic-ness of the city. I mean, who hasn't heard about the magnificent Central Park right? It's like a getaway, right in the middle of the city itself.

And of course, the famous Times Square. There is just something about the vibrant energy and the exciting atmosphere there that makes you attracted to it. With all the bright lights and animated billboards that lights up during the night, tons of tourists and locals swarming the place, good restaurants, shopping, and tons of other activities, we ended up spending most of our nights here.

Oh, call me jakun but I experienced my first ever 'Snow Day' in NYC, on the first day of 2010. Not a bad way to start the year uh? 

Well all in all, I must say NYC is definitely one interesting city. I like how everything is close by and how you can get almost anything ( from a busy city to a relaxing park ) in the city itself. :)
