Wednesday, October 10, 2012


  • 5 more days till research thesis submission ):
  • 14 more days till design project submission ):
  • 24 more days till final presentation ):
  • 24 more days to freedom! (:
  • 30 more days till my favourite monkeys come visit me in Melbourne (:
  • 46 more days till the New Zealand trip (:
  • 56 more days till result is out :o
  • 60 more days till the parents' Melbourne trip (:
  • 65 more days till graduation (:
  • 73 more days till I leave Melbourne for good ):
  • 75 more days till the London Trip (:
Life, is all about countdown now isn't it? There is always something that you can't wait to finish, or can't wait to happen. There is always something that you look forward to, or just dont want to end. I've been having constant countdowns since forever. How many more days till I fly back, how many more days till exams, how many more days till the holiday starts, how many more days till the holiday ends and its getting depressing.

I admit, although its always nice to have something to look forward to, I came to a realisation that too much counting down makes you forget to live in the moment. We have to enjoy the present rather than getting too caught up bout the future. And the only way to do that, it to do something you like/enjoy on a daily basis, something that'll make you forget about time. 

Insyaallah after this chapter ends, I will find that something. Hopefully.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Something new, Something random, Something different

Are you a spontaneous person, or a planner?

A planner is someone who likes to know what is going to happen, simply because the want to be prepared and in control of the situation. A planner will always plan ahead, and love having schedules.

Spontaneity on the other hand is saying yes to an invitation without having to worry about anything, going with the flow without knowing where you'll end up. Spontaneity and randomness can be similar, trying new random stuff just for the sake of seeing if you like it or not, having good random conversations, ordering different food for the sake of trying everything on the menu are such examples. 

I'm both a planner and a spontaneous person but lately, I've been more of the former one. I've been planning my days that my life has been so predictably predictable lately that sometimes it feels as though I'm stuck in a rut. Yes, plans and routines are not all that bad, routine gives you stability and let's you know what to expect. But, being spontaneous and doing something different, something you don't normally do can be good once in awhile. It lets you explore what you like/dislike and lets you step out of your comfort zone.

It's easter break by the way, which means one week off from uni! :) So, for the reasons mentioned above, I'm not planning what I'm going to do this week. I'm just gonna go with the flow, and do whatever I feel like doing, whenever I feel like it. After such a hectic 6 weeks of uni, waking up to a plan-less day can actually be a nice change. 

Happy holidays!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Just Because

Because I'm new with the whole blogging thing, I'll be randomly posting pictures of places I've travelled to the past few years. Enjoy! :)

Travel #2 : NYC , the big apple

New York City (2010)

I was in NYC over Christmas and New year. We were so busy exploring what the Big Apple had to offer that the ridiculously cold weather ( it was as low as -9C) didn't really bother us that much. One of the thing I love most about NYC was the fact that as long as you know how to count, you can never get lost in the city. It is so well planned out, the street names are just numbers ( 54th street, 55th street etc).

The other thing I noticed about the city was how busy everyone are. You can see how packed people are, waiting to cross the street and in the subway or rushing to go somewhere. People in general walk and talk faster. However, the best part is that you can always take a stroll down the Central Park to get away from the busy-ness and hectic-ness of the city. I mean, who hasn't heard about the magnificent Central Park right? It's like a getaway, right in the middle of the city itself.

And of course, the famous Times Square. There is just something about the vibrant energy and the exciting atmosphere there that makes you attracted to it. With all the bright lights and animated billboards that lights up during the night, tons of tourists and locals swarming the place, good restaurants, shopping, and tons of other activities, we ended up spending most of our nights here.

Oh, call me jakun but I experienced my first ever 'Snow Day' in NYC, on the first day of 2010. Not a bad way to start the year uh? 

Well all in all, I must say NYC is definitely one interesting city. I like how everything is close by and how you can get almost anything ( from a busy city to a relaxing park ) in the city itself. :)


Friday, March 30, 2012

A reason, a season or a lifetime

"People come in and out of your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime."
When someone comes into your life for a reason, it usually to help you through whatever you are going through at that moment of time, of the other way around. This kind of people however, will only stay in your life for a short period of time.

When someone comes into your life for a season, it is usually because the timing is right for the both of you. They may be your neighbours, your colleagues, your classmates, or anyone you constantly meet on a daily/weekly basis because you share some common grounds. This person will become really close with you, open up themselves more, be there for you during your ups and downs, but only for a certain period of time. Once you've moved away, changed jobs or graduated, no matter how hard you try, you will in the end lost contact with this person as there is just no more common grounds.

People who stays in your life for a lifetime, are those people whom you've build solid foundation with. People whom you don't really have to meet that often, but always know what is going on in each other's life. People whom you know will always be there for you through thick and thin and helps you grow to be who you are now. This kind of relationship, you don't build overnight.

The reason I am writing this post, is because I have recently been in touch with a childhood friend of mine, thanks to a mutual friend of ours. Small world, indeed. And then it got me thinking, there's so many people whom I have lost touch with over the years. So many people who were once so close to me but now are just another stranger. Guess I really need to work on those 'keep in touch' thingy, and put in more efforts. 

As cliche as it is, people do come and go in our lives. But each of these people, they will leave their own footprints and will teach us different things in life. People go, but people also come and come back. So the coming and going, are not all that bad. Gives you room to meet new people, learn new things. So please, do appreciate everyone that is , was and will be in your life.


Thursday, March 29, 2012


Being a people pleaser, always having to put other people's feeling first, can be really tiring. Always having to be the one taking all the responsibility, can really drain out your energy. I'm so used to smiling and pretending that everything is okay when it's not, that sometimes I forgot what it feels like to actually admit that everything is not okay.

I'm tired. Goodnight.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Good old times :)


One of my regrets in life, was taking my school life for granted. I was one of those students, who skips school A LOT and was always busy with sports. Being able to go to school 5 days a week would have been considered as a huge achievement for me. Even when i did go to school, half of the time I would be sleeping or zoning out (not a good example student, i know). Don't get me wrong, although my 'outside school' life was pretty awesome and I wouldn't trade it for anything, I still wish I had spent a bit more time and got a bit more involved in school.

This video here, reminds me of how good life was back then. Such carefree life, with so little things to worry about and nothing to stress about. Oh well, let's focus on the present shall we? ;)

Monday, March 19, 2012

Baking therapy

Last week was a pretty tough week for me where all my bad lucks seems to accumulate all at once.
  • Sent my laptop to get rid of a few annoying lines on the screens but somehow the technician managed to blew up the motherboard in the process and wanted me to pay for it -_-
  • Someone broke into my apartment building and went through everyone's mailboxes.
  • Bank card was retained by the atm machine for no reason. 
  • The internet in my apartment decides to go off when I have 3 assignments due this week.
Oh well, sh*t happens right? Didn't see the point of complaining so i baked these cupcakes for a friend's potluck birthday celebration instead to de-stress. And what do you know, baking therapy really do work. ;)

Recipe from :)

Friday, March 16, 2012

Quarter life crisis

"We are in our best of times and our worst of times, trying as hard as we can to figure this whole thing out."
There is this thing, called the quarter life crisis ( yes it's an actual thing ) that usually occurs sometimes in your twenties. Its that transition phase, from being a kid to a responsible adult. Here's an interesting article to read , enjoy! :)

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Travel #1 : New Zealand

So in the next 3 weeks, I have 5 assignments due, one mid semester test to prepare for and 9 online quizes. Really should be doing my work and putting everything aside, but reminiscing at old pictures is just way more fun. Browsing through my New Zealand trip pictures at the moment and here are a few pictures i feel like sharing ;

 Lake Tekapo, NZ. (2010). One of the most beautiful place I have been to so far. For those who are planning on going here, I strongly recommend you to take a blanket with you outside at night, and just get lost looking at the stars. Its as though there was a blanket of stars in the sky, the feeling was so surreal. 

Definitely one of the best trips so far. Awesome place, with awesome people. From Christchurch - Lake Tekapo - Queenstown - Milford Sound - Queenstown - Christchurch in less than a week. Tiring? yes. But definitely worth it :)

Jumped out of a moving plane, 12000 feet up in the air! 

Skydiving was definitely the highlight of this trip. To jump out of a moving plane so high up in the sky, strapping myself and trusting my life to a complete stranger, to hear the far off sound of the plane as well as the perfect silence up in the air, was just an amazingly awesome experience! The free fall was about one minute but it felt much much longer than that, and the view was just stunning. This, is an experience everyone should try at least once and trust me, you will not regret it :)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Want to know what bugs me? People who only look for others in times of needs. People who only gives, if they're expecting something in return. People who chooses their friends based solely on the benefits they could gain from that friendship. People who cares more about networking, rather than building a close bond with someone. People like this, I don't get. 

" A friendship should complement, not complicate"

I really need to stop making someone a priority when I am obviously only an option in theirs. Taking a step back to have a better look. And this shall be a reminder to myself as well, never ever take someone for granted.


Monday, March 5, 2012


Just because you see someone smiling , doesn’t mean they’re happy. That smile could just be a mask,or a show they put on infront of everyone to hide their sadness.

Just because you see someone crying, doesn’t mean they’re sad. That could as well be tears of joy, or tears of fear.

Never judge a person from the outside. Put in a little effort and take your time to get to know them first, break that wall they’ve built and get to know their stories. Only then you can know who they really are. It’s amazing how people can surprise you.

“People build wall around them not to shield people out, but to see who cares enough to take them down”


Sunday, March 4, 2012

Hello Sunday

A beautiful sunday with no plans. sigh.

Melbourne, (second) home.

Three years ago, I was so afraid of leaving my comfort zone and starting a whole new life abroad. I was so hesitant as I was afraid that I will miss out on things back home and that my new life will not be as good as my life back then. I remember having all those mix feelings; sad scared excited happy nervous all at the same time. But none the less, I've survived three whole years here in Melbourne, and am currently in my final year here, hopefully.

Studying abroad is definitely not all what people think it is. Its not just all about fun and games. Being abroad changes who you are, how you perceive others and especially how you view life. It lets you learn more about yourself, teach you how to be independent and how to prioritize. Being an engineering student especially, one really need to know how to prioritize and juggle to have that perfect balance between work and fun. 

Yes, I do miss Malaysia ( a lot) , I do get homesick (a lot), I do miss my family ( a lot),  but I'm glad I decided to come here. It's not just about getting that degree, its the whole journey there that's important. 

Monday, February 27, 2012