Monday, March 19, 2012

Baking therapy

Last week was a pretty tough week for me where all my bad lucks seems to accumulate all at once.
  • Sent my laptop to get rid of a few annoying lines on the screens but somehow the technician managed to blew up the motherboard in the process and wanted me to pay for it -_-
  • Someone broke into my apartment building and went through everyone's mailboxes.
  • Bank card was retained by the atm machine for no reason. 
  • The internet in my apartment decides to go off when I have 3 assignments due this week.
Oh well, sh*t happens right? Didn't see the point of complaining so i baked these cupcakes for a friend's potluck birthday celebration instead to de-stress. And what do you know, baking therapy really do work. ;)

Recipe from :)

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